The Dilemma of Attachment and Authenticity

By Anne DeCore, AMFT

Trauma expert and renowned physician Gabor Maté has a new book out that I highly recommend. He writes poignantly about something that therapists talk about every day with clients. In “The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture,” he states that the most widespread form of trauma in our society is the lower case “t” trauma of “disconnection from the self” in order to have attachment needs met by our parents. Because it is a largely invisible process, unlike upper case “T” trauma, people are often unable to identify how their childhood affected their development. I wanted to share Maté’s explanation of this process on the blog because I think this concept is essential for adults to understand as they self-reflect, and for parents to consider as they raise children.

Attachment is the core drive for proximity, responsiveness, and attunement from our caregivers from infancy and beyond.

Authenticity is the other core need: to be true to oneself, to honor our “gut” feelings, to express our felt emotions.

Maté explains the dilemma in these terms: “What happens if our needs for attachment are imperiled by our authenticity, our connection to what we truly feel?”

Maté tells us that the outcome of that dilemma is pre-determined. When a child senses that being true to their sense-of-self will not be acceptable to a parent, the child will conform to please the parent. We will always “secure our physical or emotional survival by relinquishing who we are and how we feel”. This adaptation is not something we have control over in childhood. Feedback loops with our caregivers over time get wired into our nervous systems and the internal adaptation to privilege inauthenticity becomes second nature. We even tell ourselves that certain traits within our personality are “who we are” instead of what they really are: the “scars of where we lost connection to ourselves”. A few examples of these traits are people-pleasing, hyper-responsibility, stoicism, perfectionism, compulsively charming, compulsively helping. Many of these adaptations in our families-of-origin are reinforced by society as admirable.

These adaptations work for us into adulthood until they don’t. There are costly consequences for repressing one’s thought, feelings and needs. Maté’s book impressively documents the link between inauthenticity and physical illness. Other consequences may be divorce, depression, addiction, and midlife fragmentation. These crises tend to force us to examine the self-concepts we hold. Often, these moments lead us to therapy.

Thankfully, Maté doesn’t leave us hopeless. He writes that developing self-awareness and self-compassion can carry us back toward authenticity. We can re-train the brain and nervous systems to expect both needs, attachment and authenticity, to simultaneously be served in our adult relationships.


Maté, G. and Maté D. (2022). A Traumatic Tension: Attachment vs. Authenticity. In The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture; (pp. 96-112). Penguin Random House.

Healing Isn’t Linear

By Megan Allcock, AMFT

With the start of the new year I think there is often this pressure for people to reflect on what they did in the past year and how they want to be “better.” Now there isn’t anything inherently wrong with reflection and wanting to grow, in fact it’s a wonderful aspiration to have. I think sometimes though it doesn’t leave room for the idea that many things in life take more than a year to heal, process and move on from. And even when it is healed, there will always be difficult days or moments of struggle because healing isn’t a linear process.

Let's use asthma as a metaphor here. Typically, asthma is worse in the winter because the dry air can irritate the airways. Now in the summer someone’s asthma will still exist but perhaps isn’t as severe. Similarly, if someone with asthma is working out that could cause a flare up more than sitting on the couch. Now if we think about mental health this way, I think there is a lot more flexibility in the space and grace we can give ourselves to heal.

With trauma and mental health in general, there will be seasons of life where something is more triggering than other times in life. Let’s say for example someone has mostly processed a childhood trauma experience, but they get into a new relationship and their new partner does something that brings up feelings related to their initial trauma. There will be moments that people don’t feel fully healed anymore from that. It doesn’t undo all the work they’ve done, but it really drives home the point that healing isn’t linear. It is OKAY to have time periods that are more difficult than others. There are so many factors that contribute to having bad mental health, so next time you want to be mean to yourself practice reminding your brain that healing isn’t linear and bad days are all a part of the process.

Mind and Body, Here and Now: Three Favorite Grounding Exercises

By Anne DeCore, AMFT

The Greek word “soma” means the body and “psyche” means the mind. Somatic psychotherapy is therapy guided by the practice of present-moment body awareness. Directing your attention toward your inner world of sensations gives you important data about your emotional state. Did you know that all feelings – shame, anger, love, burnout, fear - are experienced in physiological changes in the body first? We sense the changes and interpret them in our minds. When we disconnect from our bodies it can be an unconscious attempt to bolt from some of these unwanted feelings. Slowing down and noticing the body helps us observe and name our feelings which gives us choice about how to manage them.

Here are three of my favorite grounding exercises. These all involve breath awareness and body scanning. What I like about these exercises is that each one uses a guided image to help us get in touch with our bodies. These are well-suited for those who feel intimidated by classic meditation or mindfulness practices.


Go outside (if possible). Stand tall and imagine you are a tree. Feel your feet rooted to the ground below. Lift your arms upward like tall branches that stretch up toward the sunlight. Take in some deep breaths and direct your attention to your body sensations. Feel the wakefulness in your feet (roots), the balance of your spine (trunk), the freedom of your swaying arms (branches). What type of energy is in your body today? Can you bring non-judgement to whatever you notice? Be with your body in this stance.


While sitting, cup your hands together, creating a small “cup”. Now close your eyes and notice the inner sensations of your hands as they form the empty cup. Isn’t it interesting how you “know” your hands are there without seeing them? You sense them. With your cupped hands as a symbol of receptivity bring your attention to the various sensations within your body, physical and emotional. Receive the data. This simple practice of noticing the body helps us to regain awareness of our present state and focus the mind and body for our next purpose.


Imagine a beam of light encircling you. The light that surrounds you can be any color you choose. Choose your color now. It is a powerful, loving, protective light. You can call on this light when you are scared, stressed, overwhelmed or need space from others. The light differentiates you from others and helps you set the boundaries you need to take care of yourself. What can you connect with in your body right now? Breathe in and out, in and out, and give yourself permission in this protected space to listen to your needs.

Sitting In Your Impact

By Michaela Choy, AMFT

By Michaela Choy, AMFT

Our impact on others can be positive; it can look like encouragement, understanding, support, love, etc. Our impact can also feel negative; it can look like betrayal, hurt, ostracization, misunderstanding, etc. When the latter occurs, and someone has the bravery to share they have been negatively affected by you, it’s important to make space for their experience. This looks like honoring our impact before we share our intent.

In these moments it is most helpful to be curious, to listen, and to validate feelings. These moments can be tough. It’s challenging to hear the ways in which we’ve hurt others. When this happens, we are pulled to respond with our intention - “But you’re not understanding where I was coming from or what was happening for me…if you knew, you wouldn’t feel that way.” We need to resist the urge to respond with our intention first because this sounds defensive and therefore feels invalidating. Here are some helpful responses instead that make space for another’s experience:

- Thank the person for sharing with you.

- “I’m so grateful you told me, otherwise, I wouldn’t have known you were hurting.”

- Speaking to understand. Sharing your intention will come later.

- Be curious and ask questions

- What did you need from me instead?

- What else are you feeling?

- Is there more you need to share with me?

If you feel defensive, try the following:

- Remind yourself of your worth

- You are more than this moment and you are allowed to stumble. This is how we learn and grow.

- Slow Down

- The pull to defend is strong and automatic. Interrupt this by slowing down, take a breath, or restate what you’re hearing.

- Name it

- Share that you are getting defensive and notice that you need to shift modes. This keeps you accountable and will signal to others that you need some time to regulate. You can ask for a short time out if you need to gather yourself.

The appropriate time to share intention is after the hurt person feels understood. The easiest way to gauge this is to ask if they feel understood or if there is more you need to know. Once this is achieved, ask for permission to share where you were coming from. If now is not a good time, establish another time to connect.

Strategies to Move Through a Breakup

By Michaela Choy, AMFT

Around Valentine’s Day, I’m reminded of beautiful ways we can honor our loving relationships, and I’m mindful of those who feel alone and hurt – particularly those who have recently ended relationships. Breakups are profoundly painful phases that drain our emotional and physical states, and they will most likely impact you at one point or another. The following list includes strategies to implement at any point during a breakup process. Incorporating some of these ideas will restore your energy and help you create a new normal.

1. Kindness

Do one good thing for yourself each day. This can range from a small gesture of kindness to something larger. Getting a special coffee from your favorite coffee shop, cooking yourself a nourishing and delicious meal, going to the movies, or getting a massage are some examples.

2. Connect with Your Greatest Support Systems

Set up time to see friends or family and schedule at least one or two of these get-togethers each week. This can be helpful for a few reasons. One, surrounding yourself with supportive connection can feel healing. Two, it gives you some structure in the week and forces you to get out into the world. There are open pockets of time that you and your past partner once spent together, and this is one way to fill that time meaningfully. If family and friends are far away, consider setting up phone calls or trips to see them.

3. Reflection

At times, you may want to create a list of reasons why the relationship didn’t serve you. Be honest with yourself about the ways this relationship impacted you. It’s normal to think of both good and bad impact.

If you are ready to take a step further in your reflection, notice the ratio of good to bad. Ask yourself if you had awareness of this picture while you were in this relationship and begin think of ways you can you build greater awareness going into your next relationship.

Reflection with this list can be particularly helpful if you hoping to get back together or stay apart.

4. Physical Movement

Go for a walk or try a new workout class. Joining a sports league or a weekly fitness class can not only help your body feel better but also add structure to your routine.

5. Distraction

Create a list of go-to, feel-good things when you have inevitable moments of emptiness. Think of activities you can do when you’re alone and activities you can do with friends or family. Moments of intense loneliness and pain can appear out of nowhere. A premeditated list of activities will give you options in moments where your thought energy is lacking.